The New Story Blog
Monthly inspiration and tips to support your recovery.
The Resilience Toolkit: Your Companion for Positive Change
Did you know that as a Recovery Resources client, alum or friend, you have access to a free online toolkit filled with hand-picked resources you can use to kick-start positive change and build a healthier, happier life?
Your ultimate stress-relief tool: Breath
No matter where you are or what you’re doing, breath work gives you the power to take control of your stress and release it, even when you’re busy.
The power of a beginner’s mind.
This week in our stress relief series we’re talking about the power of a beginner’s mind and how it helps us release performance pressure and stress.
The R-Hub is live! Take a tour today.
Dive in and take a tour of the R-Hub today to learn about all the awesome support features that are now at your fingertips, 24 hours a day.
Play: the antidote to stress
It's important for us to remember that playtime isn’t just for kids. When we allow ourselves the freedom to play without pressure, it can do wonders to reduce our stress levels and bring positive energy back into our lives.
DUIs suck, these 10 tips will help.
If you or someone you know is dealing with a DUI, you’ll want to check out this 10 Tips guide for helpful hints and ideas to get you through it.
Move more, stress less.
Movement of almost any kind is one of the most simple, reliable, and cost-effective ways to reduce stress in daily life.
5 tips to ask for help with confidence
Even though we know it’s really therapeutic and important to talk about stress and get feedback and support from others, it can often be difficult or scary to ask for help in this way.
5 awesome ways to beat stress and restore balance
There’s no silver bullet or magic wand to eliminate stress of course, but here are 5 simple things you can do every day that will really help reduce stress and bring joy back to your life.
Get motivated with mini-goals.
This is a daily reflection practice that helps us purposefully live each day as the person we want to become. You can adapt and copy this reflection flow into your favorite journal.
Get strong, together.
If you’re ready to gain skills, kick bad habits and jump-start positive change in your life, take advantage of our small-group Coaching Circles to achieve your goals with the help of a strong and compassionate peer group.